Saturday, 17 May 2003

I decided to decorate (again!)

I've moved some stuff around, gave other bits a lick of paint, brought some other bits back down from the loft, and sprayed around with some air freshener (honeysuckle, don't you know!) and generally arsed around with it all. Some of this what I'm writing here may not make much sense, 'cos I'm working 6-day weeks at the moment and I'm bloody knackered! (Job offers gladly welcomed!)

Not really too much to say, I'm afraid. Continuing on from last update's cancellation of Farscape (season 4 starting on Sci-Fi on May 18th), it has been confirmed that Buffy the Vampire Slayer is going to end at the end of this season. Now, while I think Buffy is the best show that has been on TV for a long time, I think it's right that it ends now. If it goes on any more then I think it'll become stale. It looks like it'll be going out with a bang though.... And hopefully Angel will be continuing for a while (even though that all seems to be going to hell in a handcart at the moment!)

Also this update, the return (sort of) of the recommendations and the Hall of Fame, lovingly squashed together in the new We Love... section. Who knows, I might even put some new stuff in there one day!

Right, don't go starting any wars (or liberations, or regieme changes, or whatever) and take care out there!




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