Friday, 20 July 2001

Blah, blah blah, yaketty-schmaketty!

Hey ho, everybody! Yep, back again with an update!

Got rid of some stuff, such as the guestbook, cos no one was using it, and the archive, because it was pointless. (BTW, thank you for voting in the logo opinion poll, Dan (of Dan and Milanie fame) - sorry I couldn't contact you direct, but your e-mail address seemed to be wrong! D'oh!)

Actually, this update is something special. This will probably be the last time that I publish stuff created soley on my Amiga. Yes, the old girl is finally going into retirement. She was bought in late 1995, to replace the A1200 I had that contracted a nasty power spike which trashed the hard drive (d'oh!). But now, the time has come to upgrade my computer system to fully embrace the wonders of full, working JavaScript, Flash, RealAudio, MP3s, QuickTime (Yes, I know you can do some of these on an Amiga, but have you tried?) So, in a few weeks time, I should have a shiny bright iBook (yum!), so expect the next update to be a little bit more... spangly! In the meantime, I've created a tribute to my Amiga. (No flowers, please, just donations!)

Right, as usual I'm outta here! Remember, if you want to know when this site gets updated, then join the kinkymachine2001 group - just click on the link to the left for more info! Take part in the important burger survey on-line! Your vote counts!




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