Saturday, 19 October 2002

Hey everybody! How's it going out there?

The more astute of you will have noticed that this site was actually updated a few weeks ago, but I didn't get around to changing this welcome message. Well, I have now, so stop whingeing (not that any of you have. Are you still out there? I can hear you breathing....!)

So, after 4 years, Farscape has been cancelled, because it's not getting the viewers and it cost too much to make. I think this is a real pity, because it was one of the most innovative shows on TV. On first glance it may not look like it - Buck Rogers meets Blake's 7 meets the Muppets may be the high concept definition, but it certainly became more than the sum of its parts. I urge you all to watch the final season on BBC2 on Mondays (I'll try and remember, but keep forgetting!) or season 3 on Sci-Fi on Sundays (and some other time during the week too). You never know, it may get a last minute reprieve, but I doubt it. So farewell John, Aeryn, D'Argo, Chiana, Rygel and all the others. We'll miss you.

I can't believe Christmas is just around the corner (2 months away at the time of writing). It doesn't seem that long ago that we were putting all the decorations away! And what the frell happened to summer? I'm still waiting for it to get warm! Ho hum, still, there's plenty of new stuff to keep us all busy in the dark evenings - Attack of the Clones and Spider-Man on DVD, plus TV will start to get better soon, but we have to wait until January before we get new Buffy, Angel and Enterprise on Sky. Boo. But, considering the way things go, the next time I'll update this site, we'll be well into 2003!

Right, I'm going now. Adios Amoebas!



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