Monday, 27 May 2002

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the kinkyMachine?

I'm glad you asked that. Well, the kinkyMachine is a website, chock full of stuff that interests me, that irritates me, that excites me and makes me laugh. It's also a place where like-minded and bloody-minded people can have a scrap. Feel free to contribute anything you want to the kinkyMachine.

How do I do that then?

Send me an e-mail! That's the quickest and easiest way.

Where did the name kinkyMachine come from?

Well, that's kind of a strange tale. When I signed up with FreeNetName they gave me a free domain name, so I had to think one up quite quickly. I'm a big Jean-Michel Jarre fan, and he recorded a track called "Erosmachine" (only available on bootleg CD now) which I thought was a cool name, but I didn't want to rip it off directly. Long time viewers will know that this started off as a fetish website (another of my, ahem, interests!), so I wanted something to suggest that - and so kinkyMachine was born! Only later, when I typed the word into Google, did I find out about (a really quite rude, but cool website) and the fact that there was an early nineties band with the same name. So there you go. Totally unoriginal, as it turns out, but I thought it was cool. I still do, so there!

Um, who the heck are you, anyway?

Who, me? Oh, well, my name is Craig Stevens, I was born in Chatham, Kent on 25th February, 1974, so feel free to send cards and presents at the appropriate time of year (heck, send them all year!) After living in Kuwait for three years (1980-83) I went to King's School, Rochester for the next nine years where people tried to teach me Latin, where I totally lost the ability to speak to girls and suffered a case of mistaken identity involving the "A" team for Rugby (they thought I was someone who wanted to get his head stamped on at every opportunity and I didn't!) After all that, I went to the University of Wales in Swansea where I studied American Studies and English. There I relentlessly pursued most available (and unavailable) females in the first year, for which I would like to apologise! In my third year I went to Northern Arizona University, where I shared a room with three other guys (one of which could watch a whole episode of The Simpsons without cracking a smile, and then say afterwards how funny it was - go figure!) After that I came back to Swansea for my final year, spent most of it in my room with my girlfriend Emma (ah, those were the days...!), managed to get a degree without really breaking into a sweat, and found myself unemployed for six months. Then the fickle finger of fate pointed itself at me and I found myself with a Christmas job at D-D-Dixons. Things transpired, as they do, and I found myself on their graduate development programme. After five years, I realised that I was fed up with going nowhere fast, and being shouted at everyday just because someone didn't get their dishwasher (ever heard of Fairy liquid?), and so I 've got myself a job as manager of a bookshop in Harlow. Which is nice. In the meantime, I bought a house with Emma in Chelmsford, and we got married in August 1999. Which is even nicer. If you want to know more about me and my life, then you must be quite sad or an obsessive stalker. Either way, hello!



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