Monday, 2 April 2001

Review: "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace"

Yes, having somehow lost the clumsy Episode I moniker, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace has made it onto our video shelves. Now, those of you that know me will think you already know what I think of the film, but the truth is, I've changed my mind!

You see, when it came out, there was all the hoo-hah and hype, and it was all a bit disappointing really. Sure, it was Star Wars, there were all the familiar things: lightsabers, droids, space battles, the Force, but it seemed to lack something. Some harsher critics have said that it could do with a plot, or characters that you could care for, but I feel that was way too strong. Yes, this is a slower, weaker, start than a Star Destroyer thundering overhead, but this is the start of a six-part story. There must be room for development within the story in order for us to get to Episode IV. (When will they start calling it Star Wars: A New Hope, then?)

Anyway, I saw it again on video, six months after I last saw it at the cinema - and I've warmed to it. I've managed to get over my prejudices and enjoy the film for what it is - a hugely enjoyable romp in the Star Wars galaxy. (I can't believe I just used the word romp....) Yes, Jar Jar is annoying, but not really as bad as everyone really thinks - after all he is the first really comic character in the story, so I think we can forgive him.

So, yes, go get the video - pause it to see the ETs in the senate chamber, ignore some of the rougher CGI work (none of it as bad as Special Edition Jabba, thank God!) and just have a damn good time waiting for Episode II!



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