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Hello! My name is Joseph Woodrow Stevens and this is my Blog. It's called Rabbits' Blog, because that was the name Mummy and Daddy gave me when I was still in Mummy's tummy. (Apparently Daddy's sister wanted to call my Daddy Rabbits when he was born!)

Anyway, Mummy and Daddy write stuff down here about me, 'cos they seem to think it's interesting. I just like all the pictures of me, 'cos I'm gorgeous! I hope you like what Mummy and Daddy have written here. Let them know if you do. They'd like to hear from you!

Lots of love and kisses!

Joseph xxx

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Finger food ahoy!

Yes, we have moved on to finger food. Joseph has been able to eat rice cakes and the like for a long time but now he will eat anything he can hold in his hand. We had found that dinner times were becoming a trial or battle of wills as we tried to get him to take any thing from a spoon...so we gave up.

We started giving him different things (sandwiches, cooked veggies, purees on toast etc) and we haven't looked back since. Dinner time is now a pleasant time (mostly) and Joseph loves choosing his own food. We give him a plate with a variety of items so that he can pick what he wants. So far he has loved our home made vegetable sticks and fish fingers.

The health visitor has said that we should try him on red meat which has its own issues. You see, I don't eat red meat. I don't like the taste of lamb and I've only eaten beef once since 1994 (and then not through choice). So it isn't something that we eat for family dinners. However, I don't want to deprive Joseph of some thing that he might enjoy. It's a bit of a pickle. I have relented and bought some chicken livers (important source of iron) but Craig will have to cook them as I'm having nothing to do with it.

posted by Emma @ 7:43 PM   0 comments - links to this post

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Where's Maurice?

Oh my God, we nearly lost Maurice!

For those who don't know Maurice is Joseph's monkey. He has had him since birth (almost) and he goes every where with him. Maurice is the one who reassures Joseph and helps him sleep well.

It was raining heavily when I picked Joseph up from the child minder and I was in a rush to get him into the car. Maurice is usually tucked away in Joseph's bag but today he was tucked in between Joseph and I. In my hurry I forgot he was there and he must have fallen into the road by the curb.

We got home and I started preparing Joseph's dinner but he got pooky so I went to get Maurice. It was then that I discovered that he was missing. I worked out what must have happened but it was a good ten minutes since we had left. Would he still be there? What if some one had picked him up and taken him home? Oh God, what would I tell Joseph?

Fortunately we got back and spotted Mautice. He was safe but soaking wet and rather scared. We got him home and I washed, spun and dried him on the radiator and he looked much better.

He is now safely tucked up in Joseph's arms and I shall know to be more careful in future.

posted by Emma @ 8:20 PM   0 comments - links to this post

Sunday, October 22, 2006

9 months - A ok!

On Thursday Joseph had his 9 month progress check with the health visitor. We had to fill in a questionnaire about him and then there were some tests. He was asked to pick up a small cube and picked it up with his fingers (some babies still use the palm of their hand at this stage so bonus points here) and passed it from one hand to another. The first test passed then we moved on to copying. The health visitor showed him how to ring a small handbell and then offered it to him. Most babies apparently chew it for a while before getting the hang of it. Not our boy! He picked it straight up and rang it and then swapped it from hand to hand ringing it all the time. And that was it. I had thought it would be difficult but Joseph passed with flying colours. We're so proud of him.

There was also a questionnaire for me to check if I was still crazy (medium crazy so not too bad). There was not much else for the health visitor to say really as Joseph is clearly a happy, active young man.

posted by Emma @ 12:02 PM   0 comments - links to this post

Thursday, October 19, 2006

A New Look!

Well I finally decided to get off my bum and create a proper template for Rabbits' Blog. I hope you like it. Feel free to make any comments!

We're all a bit snuffly here at the moment. Joseph's had his first cold for about 2 weeks now, poor little mite. He's all blocked up and coughing, but there's not much we can do for him. We took him to the doctors the other day, but she said he's basically fine - no chest infection or anything, so we're just going to have to ride the storm. We've got cough mixture for him and some saline nose drops (which he hates having put in!) and we rub some Vicks into his chest. He also had a spot of conjunctivitis last week which needed some eye drops, but that seems to have cleared up now. Despite all that, he's still mostly cheerful and active, so that's great.

Em's also suffering with a bad cold, but so far I'm OK. Knowing my luck it'll hit next week when I go back to work. Boo!

posted by Craig @ 9:13 AM   0 comments - links to this post

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Clap hands

Joseph has just learnt to clap his hands. We had not been actively teaching him to do it but he must have picked it up from some where. He was sitting on our bed with Craig and clapped his hands when I came into the room and looked excited. It was a great moment.

posted by Emma @ 9:39 PM   0 comments - links to this post

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


You can't give booze to a baby! No, not booze for the baby, for me. I went to see my consultant about my blood pressure and he said that I could come off the tablets which means that I can now drink alcohol again. Horrah!

And how much alcohol have I had since then I hear you ask. Well in the two weeks since then I have had ... half a beer! I very much enjoyed it though and it is nice to have the freedom to be able to have a little drink if I want to.

posted by Emma @ 8:11 PM   0 comments - links to this post

Rabbits' Blog is a kinkyMachine website. Would you like a rice cake?