Monday, 20 September 2004

The Star Wars Marathon!

11.02 - Here we go, kids, the first back-to-back viewing of the classic Star Wars trilogy. I'll keep you posted as we go!

13.04 - A New Hope So Far... Just a small change, but they've finally changed the English writing on the Tractor Beam control panel for the Aurebesh script seen in the rest of the series. A small thing, but it'd been bugging me for a while! The shot of the Landspeeder entering Mos Eisley may have been changed too - it looks a bit less wooden than before!

The major thing is the quality of the picture - good contrast and colours. Ooh, they've sorted out Ben's lightsaber too - looks like both his and Darth's have been re-animated to look brighter and cleaner. Wahey!

13.20 - One Down... Well, that's A New Hope finished. Like I said, no major changes, just a nice clean version, with only one example of matt lines visible. Onwards to the best of the Trilogy...!

14.40 - New Empire Scene... Well, I'd heard the rumours that they were going to drop Ian McDiarmid as the Emperor into Empire, but they've also changed the dialogue somewhat, with the Emperor revealing that it was "the offspring of Anakin Skywalker" who destroyed the Death Star. Vader is unsure how this could be, telling us that he didn't know he had any kids, but the Emperor tells him to "search his feelings"....

A nice little scene to tie things together a bit more, and it adds to the continuity to have McDiarmid reprising his role as the Empereor, as he wasn't in the original version of Empire. And he's sooo evil!

15.10 - Boba's Got A New Voice! Boba Fett's voice has changed! Sounds a lot like Temuera Morrison's voice to me...!

15.52 - Empire Still Rules... Yep, The Empire Strikes Back is still the best of the series. One small thing - the end credits still have Clive Revill as the Voice of the Emperor, even though he's been replaced, and the copyright message only says 1980, 1997, and not 2004 like A New Hope... Has someone made a mistake and not updated them?

Just Jedi to go now...!

16.21 - Jabba's Lost His Subtitles...! I don't know if this is intentional, or an error, but Jabba's lost his subtitles! Most of the time it's not necessary (probably because I know the film inside out), but there are a few times when the Illustrious One's wit and humour are lost to the casual viewer.

Or I may have turned them off somehow.

Ooh, I never noticed Dengar in the palace before...

19.33 - The End of the Saga... Well, that's it, game over! For the most part, Jedi was unchanged, save for the addition of Naboo into the victory celebrations, and dropping Hayden Christiansen in at the end (with his Battle of the Planets haircut...)

So all in all the DVDs are pretty well done. I would have preferred the original versions on there as well as the Special Editions, and perhaps 2 disc sets for each film, with all the original '70s and '80s documentaries, but I'm sure that'll come out in another few years or so...



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