Wednesday, 1 September 2004

Battlestar Galactica Trailer

Hurrah, hurrah and thrice hurrah! The new series of Battlestar Galactica is going to be on Sky from October 18th! For those of you who haven't seen the mini-series that came out last year, then you deserve a great big kicking! This is top notch space opera, people!

Ahem. Well, the series is set 40 years on from the last Cylon War, but set at the same time as the original '70s series. Clear? Okay, let me try to explain. The Cylons from the original series are now the old models, and have been replaced by newer models, including ones that look just like humans. The Vipers from the original series are also the old models, having been replaced by swisher, more computer controlled versions. And there the problems start...

The characters are all the same - in name at least. Adama controls the Galactica, his son is Lee "Apollo" Adama (Apollo now being his call-sign), and Kara "Starbuck" Thrace is the Galactica's best pilot. And she's a woman. But she still likes playing cards and smoking cigars.

I have a feeling I've made it all more complicated than it is, so do yourselves a favour and go and buy the DVD of the mini-series. It's only eleven quid or so, and for that you get 3 hours of bloody good TV. If you can't stretch to that, they're repeating the mini-series on Sky One from 14th October. (What do you mean, you haven't got Sky...? Sheesh, some people...!)

And in the meantime, you can get to the trailer for the new series here:

BBC - Cult Television - Galactica trailer



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