Wednesday, 9 June 2004

The End of an Era

Well, that's it folks. Last night, the final episode of Angel was shown on Sky One. For the first time in 8 years, there will be no more stories from the Buffy-verse. And while the final episode was fabulous, the last season was a bit strange. I know that they knew they were going to get cancelled from quite early on in the season, but it still seems that it was all a bit directionless. Possibly a lot of that is due to trying to deliver more stand-alone episodes to attract more casual viewers, but after the huge ongoing plot arcs of previous seasons, it all seemed a little strange. The Big Bad didn't really pop up until a few episodes from the end of the series, and then was dealt with quite quickly, and almost effortlessly. (I don't want to say too much, in case I give away some spoilers... What do you think this is? SFX? ;-) )

I hope Joss Whedon gets back onto the small screen soon, after working on the Firefly movie. Even if there are no more series in the Buffy-verse, we need him to be giving us TV of such a great quality as he has been. OK, he can have a bit of a holiday first, but then he's got to get back on the horse...!

And Enterprise finished this week as well. And by golly, what a blinding season it's just had! The whole Xindi/Expanse storyline just kept getting better and better. Totally blew anything that Voyager ever did out of the water. The new executive producer, Manny Coto, certainly shook things up a lot, and created some great moments. And as for the cliff-hanger ending... What the f***?! If it doesn't get renewed next season, then there's something wrong with the US TV networks... Oh, wait, they cancelled Angel, didn't they? Oh dear...



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