Saturday, 25 April 2009

Friday-Night Blog...

Look, I'm out. I've got nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. I've been doing stock-takes, and getting ready for my own, so my mind's been elsewhere. Not enough time to muse on the finer points of the world...

Not to mention the fact that I'm knackered. Hopefully not so knackered that the dreaded pink-eye returns. That was all kinds of suck-ass.

We went to Frankie and Bennie's last night, mostly so I could remember what my family looked like and so that we wouldn't have to cook (and wash up). I like F&B's - good food, not too expensive, but the mega-loud choruses of "Happy Birthday" can get a bit much at times... Still, JW likes it and he seems to enjoy eating there, so at least we're not wasting our money by taking him there! It's also just down the road from us, so we can walk there! Looks like they're opening a branch of Chiquitos next door too, so I may have to go there and have too many Long Island Ice Teas sometime. Anyone want to join me?

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