Monday, 22 August 2005

The new t.A.T.u. video!

Yep, these are the latest pics from the new t.A.T.u. video, "All About Us", taken from their forthcoming second album Dangerous and Moving. If you want to see the new video, then go to and click on the audio/video link at the bottom of the screen.

As for the song itself, I like it. Once more, it's full of their overblown Eurovision style (never a bad thing), with more than a hint of late ABBA, especially in the chorus. Lena's voice seems to have got better and she's looking darn fine too (she's the one with the reddish hair who does most of the singing, if you didn't know). The video nicely plays on the whole t.A.T.u. mythology - Are they lesbians? Do they hate each other? - with a dramatic storyline involving Julia and a dodgy bloke, and the revelation that Lena will always be there for her. Aw bless!

Possibly not as strong and as brazen as "All The Things She Said", but I think that "All About Us" is a fine addition to the EuroPop tradition.



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