Tuesday, 17 June 2008

RIP Stan Winston - Effects God

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Film special effects pioneer dies: "Oscar-winning special effects expert Stan Winston, who created the creatures in films including Aliens and Jurassic Park, has died at the age of 62.
Winston, who also made the robots in Terminator, died at home in California surrounded by family on Sunday.
The film veteran had been battling multiple myeloma, a plasma cell cancer, for seven years, a representative of the Stan Winston Studio said.
He had worked with Steven Spielberg, James Cameron and Tim Burton.
During his 40-year career, he became a pioneer of merging real-world effects with computer imaging.
California governor and former Terminator star Arnold Schwarzenegger said: 'The entertainment industry has lost a genius, and I lost one of my best friends.
'Stan's work and four Oscars speak for themselves and will live on forever.
'What will live forever in my heart is the way that Stan loved everyone and treated each of his friends like they were family.'
Winston won Oscars for his work on Aliens, Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Jurassic Park.
He also received Oscar nominations for Batman Returns, Edward Scissorhands, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, AI, Predator and Heartbeeps."

Rest in Peace, Stan, you were a legend, and I thank you for bringing so much wonder into my life.

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