Sunday, 1 June 2008

Indiana Jones and The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

Yes, I finally went to the cinema again! I think the last time I went was probably to see Casino Royale, so it's been a while...

Went to see the new Indiana Jones movie - can't be arsed to type all that again - and it was... okay. I thought some of the fight and, ahem, tomb raiding sections were fun, but I did think that the whole crystal skull malarkey was a bit ridiculous. Was it me, or did the Russian bad-lady (played just this side of evil Bond-villain by Cate Blanchett) already have an alien skull, and said there were two more in Russia already? In that case, why were there already twelve skulls in the temple/spaceship at the end? (Probably should have put a spoiler warning on this..) And what the hell actually happened at the end? (Well, I know, but, what the hell?)

Still, Harrison Ford was back on form as Indy (although he's aged gracefully, he can't quite manage as much action as he used to...) and the scenes he had with Shia La Beouf (silly name...) and Karen Allen (back as Marion Ravenwood) were fantastic. It was quite obvious that they're setting it all up so that Mutt (Shia) can take over his father's mantle (oops...)

It was nice to have Indy back, but it would have been nicer to have given him a better story. (Do things stop being magnetic just because they're in a sack?)

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