Monday, 20 June 2005

kinkyMachine v5.0

Or close enough!

Yep, here it is - incomplete and still a bit shaky around the edges, but the new kinkyMachine is here. Huzzah!

Most of the sections aren't here yet, as you may have discovered, but keep checking back, as they're not far away. I just felt that if I didn't stick something new on the web soon, then I never would. So at the moment, there's this blog, one short story in the Words section (plus a dead link - sorry!), and the FAQ. And that's it.

If you miss the old site, then it's still here, but some links might not work, and it's not going to be updated, so no more kinkyBabes, I'm afraid. (Never did get to see Angelina Jolie there...)

That's half the point of the new site - I wanted it to be all my own work, so everything you see here is mine all mine. Much as I liked pinching other people's images ('cos let's be honest, I'm never going to photograph Kelly Brook in her undies - not since that restriction order anyway...), I wanted this site to be more honest. And so that's what you're going to get. All my own work, some great, some not so great. I hope you like it. And if you don't, then let me know. (The Contact page will be up soon, promise!)

Have a great day!


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